Pretty good.
Not the best but still good, if it had a story it would do better.
Pretty good.
Not the best but still good, if it had a story it would do better.
This is so funny! I like when he said "Make sure that if you die you have an epic scene". Man that cracked me up!
Thats stupid! lol.
Man this made me laugh, at first I didn't get it, but the second time I was cracking up! Good job.
Pretty hfgdteyrutastic.
I liked this movie, the part where the orange guy jumped to the window was funny, lol.
Loved it!
Greatest claymation ever made. My favorite part is when the first guy starts waving his arms cuz he couldn,t swim!
Pretty funny
I like the last part, that was funny. cuz it made me. laugh. yeah.
Friggin Awsome!
This is so stupid, its funny! PLEASE make more like this! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!................ .I think I'll go now.
I like the last one!
This is so good I'm gonna put this as one of my favorites!
Very cool clay movie man. I like the lip syncing, so keep using it! I also like the detail of the eyes and nose. I can see why this one is kinda short, you had all those mouths to put on and off. And to make them be long did it take?
Oh and I'm making a claymation now that has lip syncing so look out for it!
Greatest claymation ever!
I like how you make your own music for your movies, you should remake them and submit them, they would be great!
Welcome! HFDGDGH
Age 31, Male
Badass Mofo
Joined on 7/23/06