Random huh?
WELL I LIKE RANDOM! A lot of great things come out of boredom and this is a good example.
Random huh?
WELL I LIKE RANDOM! A lot of great things come out of boredom and this is a good example.
This is so cool, when i heard it I imagined I was flying over a kingdom. wearing a dress and a wizard hat. THANKS ALOT!!!
Cool song dude, what program do you use? It gets too repetitive though, takes too long to go from one thibg to the next.
Anyway awsome song, come se my stuff!
Well, im using FL Studio for all my tracks, accually...
Well, it may be a bit repetive, due that im not yet done with it... This was just a preview of the real tune, that im workin on ;)
It gets a little repetitive, but what do I know. (nothing) I really like how you did the harpsy instrument too. Were you using the mixer?
Oh and about our song, you'll have to wait a day or so, cuz I gotta go see what that stuff is ok?
Anyway, keep making these songs, I'll keep coming to listen!
HA, just kidding. I really like this one, do you use the demo of FL or did you buy it? This was a little too repetitive (hope i spelled that right) later on in the song.
Really good, KEEP IT UP!
I use the full version. Why??? PM me if you have a reason... :)
ps- VOTE if you review!!!!
when I heard the first few seconds, I pictured a huge carnival-like place. This was pretty cool, the only bad thing is that it got a little boring after a while. It would be good in a game!
Swing by my music & flash if you want, I'll go check out your other stuff. :)
Thx. It took some time.I know that it gets boring, BUT OH WELL!!! :) Thats life!!!
I will check out your stuff!!
Thx for the review!!!
This is great stuff, I like your style, too. What program are you using?
These 8-bit style tracks were done in a prgram called sawcutter. It's pretty horrible and basic, so it's not much good for much more than small loops of music, but on the other hand, it's quite fun to mess about with the retro sounds on offer.
Reminds me of a game...
But I guess everybody will say that, eh? Good job on this, the only bad thing was the length. Try to make it a little longer, other than that, ITS GREAT!
Yeah, it is a little short. It's lacking in variety too, which is a limitation of the program sadly. It's definatly videogame inspired. A friend of mine suggested that this sounded like an underground Mario style tune, hence Down the Pipes. Cheers for the positive reviews, I don't usually get a lot of 'em. ;)
I like it
Very nice, very nice indeed, yes, yes it is, it is nice.
I can't think of anything to say except it was good!
Come review my flash and music, please!
all right, I will geeze, lol
I like this, too, its simple and short. I especialy like the begining With the pluck thing, that was cool! Did you use FL Studio?
Come review my music and flash!
Welcome! HFDGDGH
Age 31, Male
Badass Mofo
Joined on 7/23/06